Self Love Breakup Coach

Use research-backed addiction recovery tools to recover from your breakup.

Get out, stay out, and move on.

Breakup Coaching

$25.00 USD every month

Hi! I'm Janice Elizabeth, your breakup coach

Just over three years ago, I left a physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive relationship.

I knew that if I wanted to live, I'd have to find a wayĀ to get out, stay out, and move on.

For years, I'd worked on my sobriety using research-backed addiction recovery strategies from SMART Recovery, AA, Refuge Recovery, and other programs.Ā 

In the early days of my breakup, I learned that breakups and rejection trigger the same brain regions that are activated in cocaine addicts going through withdrawal. This part of the brain region known as the nucelus accumbens and the oribitofrontal and prefrontal cortex are in charge of the brain's dopamine reward system and are connected to craving and addiction.

I realized that everything I'd been taught about going through a breakup had been wrong.

I realized that my breakup was no different than alcohol withdrawal.

If I wanted to truly get over my ex, and stay out of the relationship, I realized I'd have toĀ apply the same tools I used in alcohol recovery to my breakup.

It worked.

Today, I live in Hawai'i, surf big waves, and make a living from my dream job as a freelance writer for divorce lawyers.

I broke the cycle of toxic relationships, got married to my best friend, and just days short of my 40th birthday, gave birth to my son.

Through Self Love Breakup Coaching I teach the skills I've learned after over a decade of writing for divorce lawyers and from personal experience I've gained over the years. Today I have three years of continuous sobriety, live in a condo I bought in Hawai'i using money I made as a freelance writer, and have a beautiful marriage and family. None of this would have been possible without me using the skills I daily that I teach in my self-paced breakup coaching program.

Start Your Self-Paced Breakup Coaching Program Today

With Self Love Breakup Coaching You Can

Find a path through the anger, depression, and grief to discover the power and peace of radical acceptance.

Stop obsessively checking your phone and use that energy to pursue your goals and rebuild your life.

Stop dreaming about a lost future, and start living your dream life, while making space for a relationship that meets your needs.

What ifĀ your greatest loss led to your greatest insights?

Part One: Regulate Your Nervous System

Calm your mind and body. Learn research-backed addiction recovery tools that will help you avoid picking up the phone and going back to your ex.

Part Two: Self Love

Learn radical practices to help you regain your peace, regain your self esteem, get centered in your core self, release shame, dive deeply into what keeps you stuck in your toxic relationship patterns, and set the stage for radical change.

Part Three: Taking Action & Dating

Develop a dating strategy that's right for you, while getting clear about what you really want and the courage to go out there and find it.

Breakup Coaching

$25.00 USD every month

Self LoveĀ Breakup CoachĀ is not a psychologist, medical doctor, or licensed healthcare professional, and does not offer any professional health or medical advice. The material presented here is for educational purposes only. If you are suffering from any psychological or medical conditions, please seek help from a licensed and qualified health professional. If you are in crisis or are having thoughts of suicide help is available. Call 988 or text HOME to 741741 (

If you are leaving a verbally or physically abusive relationship, the time when you are statistically in the most danger is the time when you choose to leave. Have a plan. Trust your gut. Seek additional support if needed. The National Domestic Violence Hotline offers 24/7 support and can connect you with resources near you. Call 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or visit their website where you can chat live with an advocate or gain additional resources:

Start Your Self-Paced Breakup Coaching Program Today